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加拿大一同家園文化中心舉辦2023年夏歷新年"迎卯兔賀新年"社區慶祝活動 2023-01-22

加拿大一同家園文化中心舉辦2023年夏歷新年"迎卯兔賀新年"社區慶祝活動 [加拿大、多倫多,2023年1月23日]——加拿大一同家園文化中心Canada One Family Network 2023年夏歷新年"迎卯兔賀新年"社區慶祝活動於年初一(1月22日)午時在 Bridlewood Mall(2900 Warden Ave. Toronto)一樓中央舞臺開幕。 士嘉堡愛靜閣國會議員 葉嘉麗 MP Jean Yip、省議員白必勤MPP Aris Babikian、市議員萬利高Nick Mantas、士嘉堡北區國會議員陳聖源 MP Shaun Chan助理Judy 楊、媒體、Bridlewood Mall 董事會、社區夥伴等貴賓參加開幕式演出和。世嘉堡愛靜閣國會議員葉嘉麗為新年

慶祝活動開幕發言,祝願所有加拿大華裔和亞裔新春愉快..並和加拿大一同家園文化中心主席朱彥晏女士共同為社區貢獻卓著的國際廣潤教育集團孟鴻雁女士頒發感謝狀。省議員白必勤MPP Aris Babikian、市議員萬利高Nick Mantas、商場董事Simon 關先生、Christina黃女士與朱彥晏女士共同為舞獅點睛, 為商場所有商戶采青, 祝福所有人來年鴻圖大展, 財運亨通。

加拿大一同家園文化中心中心及十幾個社區夥伴為社區帶來了精彩紛呈的舞臺表演、中國文化展示。其中中樂團(中國民族樂器)及多種文藝演出將耳熟能詳的經典音樂, ,粵語金曲,粵曲,廣東本地音樂人新創作的流行歌曲、古典民族舞蹈、詩詞歌曲朗誦、原創現代音樂、太極拳等豐富多彩的節目帶給社區的觀眾。舞獅的精彩表演受到現場觀眾熱烈的歡迎.

本地著名書法家李祥民先生,吳衛星先生為遊客揮春, 書寫春聯 許多青少年參與體驗毛筆墨汁在傳統紅色宣紙上書寫福字春字。

夏歷新年期間(1月22日至2月5日),加拿大一同家園文化中心還在Bridlewood Mall舉辦為期兩周的 “迎卯兔、賀新春”本地青少年新年主題藝術展。





1月29日,加拿大一同家園文化中心將在Pacific Mall太古廣場一樓中央舞臺(4300 Steeles Ave E.)舉行少兒詩歌朗誦比賽頒獎典禮。

加拿大一同家園文化中心新年慶祝活動還包括1月22日, 28日,29日在太古廣場協辦三場太古兔年賀新春節目.

加拿大一同家園文化中心, 安省註冊非牟利機構,萬錦市註冊文化藝術社區服務中心一同家園文化中心致力於傳統文人文化的傳承和推廣,為本地藝術家搭建平臺,推廣經典文化藝術,為社區培養一大批年輕一代藝術家,也為社區充滿活力的合唱團、民樂團、各類藝術團體提供教學、排練場所。“一同家園文化中心受惠於安省延齡草基金會,還將為社區提供高質量的網上視頻教學課件制作和服務,為後疫情時代的文化遺產項目助力”,朱彥晏介紹說,“目前重開的音樂教育項目包括各類民樂班組,合唱團、民樂團,藝術類教育項目包括油畫、水彩、傳統書法國畫,傳統體育類教育項目包括形意拳、八卦掌、太極拳、瑜伽氣功、導引養生等。中心還將推出一套國學經典教育項目,為社區文化傳承建立教學基地”。


Welcoming the Year of Rabbit and Celebrating the New Spring

"Lunar New Year Celebration in Bridlewood Mall 2023"

[Canada, Toronto, January 23, 2023]- Canada One Family Network presented "Welcoming the Year of Rabbit and Celebrating the New Spring". Lunar New Year Celebration 2023 brought the Spring Festival celebration on January 22, 2023 (the first day of the Lunar New Year) in Bridlewood Mall(2900 arden Ave. Toronto), the central stage on the first floor.

VIP guests from the government Scarborough –Agincourt MP Jean Yip, MPP Aris Babikian, City Councillor Nick Mantas, the representative of Scarborough –North MP Shaun Chan, media, business associations, and the board of directors of Bridlewood Mall to join the opening ceremony performance gala and with lion dance, eye-dotting/awakening performance. Jean Yip, M P for Scarborough-Agincourt, gave a speech at the opening of the New Year celebration, wishing all Chinese and Asian Canadians a happy New Year...and then together with Ms. Zhu Yanyan, the chairman of the Canada One Family Network deliver the certificate to Round Ground Canada International Education president Ms.

Hongyan Meng, for the appreciation of her outstanding contributions to the community.

Canada One Family Network presented "Welcoming the Year of Rabbit and Celebrating the New Spring" Lunar New Year Celebration 2023" brought an exciting stage performance with a variety of Chinese cultural performances, including professional Chinese orchestras, classical and folk dances, poetry songs, and recitation, original contemporary music, and Tai Chi, etc. The local calligrapher Ms. Xiangmin Li and Weixing Wu provided Hui Chun, couplets to the tourists. Many kids and youths tried to use brush and ink to write Lucky and Happy words on the traditional red rice paper.

During the Lunar New Year period time (from Jan 22- Feb 5 th ), Canada One Family Network hosts a local youth art exhibition titled Welcoming the Year of Rabbit and Celebrating the New Spring” in Bridlewood Mall after the open ceremony performance gala.

Also, host an online poetry recital contest. The video exhibition for the contest is:

All public can visit and vote online by Jan 27, 2023, at 9:00 pm.

On January 29, the Canada One Family Network will hold the award ceremony at the Pacific Mall central stage on the first floor, (4300 Steeles Ave E. )

Canada One Family Network has worked with the community of the GTA for the last 7 years to bring the appreciation of the performing arts, and literature out to the greater community. Their mission aims to bring awareness and respectability to these arts through exposure, entertainment, exhibits, and education. COFN works together with their Literi Seniors, and with their advice, mentorship, experience, and knowledge, COFN can introduce Chinese Heritage at their Educational Center to mainstream Canadian society and become part of Canada"Multi-cultural"One Family!



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