At COFN seniors represent knowledge, wisdom, teachers of the current generation as they provide the building blocks for our future. Elders and great mentors say that at 60 years of age one is demonstrating life competence, by 70 one is demonstrating mastery, beyond 80 one is now the grand master; the truly senior power.
Mi Zhong exponent and
Master 83 year old Sifu Li.
They have lived and made errors which they have corrected to become the correct way to behave and to live happily with everyone around them, thus called wisdom. So it goes they have developed the most learned of wisdoms to demonstrate the gentry arts of the Literati. Observe the martial arts masters, the calligraphers, painters, physicians, musicians, poets and all manner of cultured traditions.
Senior knowledge
Living in peace and prosperity is true wealth. Elders tell us that true peace is found when there is the real freedom of thought and everyone lives without coercion of a higher force. As we all develop and build to our desires which expands the awareness and consciousness of living in freedom, our creativity knows no bounds. This is wealth at its greatest.
Oh, by the way, just ask those successful people if they have learned to play musical instruments, martial arts or even reading and writing in a great way, and you will find that their answer is affirmative. Many generations of the elderly have told us that fact, but many so called educators have developed deliberate amnesia to this fact.