COFN is looking for sponsors.
Canada One Family Network proudly presents the 2nd Age of Literati Cultural Festival “Memories of the Great Wall”. With the extended sponsorship of Celebrate Markham and Heritage Canada’s Heritage Program, we are extending our program.
This event is ideal for corporate or small business sponsors targeting a specific range of clientele. Please call us for more information. Much of our supporting sponsors also include corporations and investors.
The 2nd “Age of Literati” Cultural Festival
Memories of the Great Wall
Sponsorship Request
We respectfully request your kind sponsorship to help us celebrate with Canada One Family Network at our annual Literati Cultural Festival in Markham. This unique celebration with performance arts events, art exhibition and art contest is in acknowledgement of the long and rich history of Asian Canadians’ multicultural contributions of the heritage of Canada. This is a great opportunity for Canadians across the country to enjoy and savour the richness of cultural heritage contributing to the growth and prosperity of this great land and celebrate Canada 150.
One and all are graciously invited to join us. As we present performances including: uplifting classic and traditional music, poetry recital, opera, traditional dance, art exhibition, and enjoy our tea ceremony.
We expect more than 3000 people will come and enjoy the power of knowledge with the age of China’s renowned Literati. It is a festival for sponsors to promote their corporate profile to our community.
This celebration is in part funded by Celebrate Markham and Heritage Canada (BCTAH).
Activity 1: Memories of the Great Wall Art Contest
Date/Time: September 24, 2017 Sunday 11.00 am – 4.00 pm.
Venue: Markham Civic Center Great Hall, 101 Town Centre Blvd. ON L3R 9W3.
Activity 2: Open Gala and Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Date/Time: October 10, 2017 Wednesday 6: 00-7:00 pm
Venue: Markham Theatre, 171 Town Center Boulevard, Markham, ON L3R 8G5.
Activity 3: Concert: The Age of Literati – Memories of the Great Wall
Date/Time: October 10, 2017 Wednesday 7: 00-9: 30pm
Venue: Markham Theatre, 171 Town Center Boulevard, Markham, ON L3R 8G5.
Activity 4: “An Elegant Gathering“- the Traditional Literati Culture Workshops
Date/Time: October 14, 2017, Saturday 10:00am -4:00pm
Venue: Varley Art Gallery of Markham, 216 Main St Unionville, Unionville, ON L3R 2H1
Agenda: Tea Ceremony: 10:00-10:45am Pu’er Tea Workshop (ancient Tea trade road culture)
Music Concert: 11:00-11:45am Guqin Music and Ya-yue Culture
Art Workshop: 12:00-1:00pm Literati Calligraphy/painting from HeLuo (Yellow River)
Poetry Concert: 2:00- 2:45pm Poetry Singing by Youth Orchestra and Choir
Kids’ Art Tour: 3:00-4:00pm Experience the Joy of Brush
These are the following promotional opportunities for the sponsors:
Event advertising in the Main stream and the Chinese media
Press conference and the wider media publicity (TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Internet)
Poster display and pamphlet distribution in commercial and community centers
Recognition in the in-house programs
Website promotion
Booth promotion (6 Tables at the Theatre only)
Banner promotion
Please see “Details and information for the source of funds and sponsor benefits”.
The 2nd Age Of Literati Cultural Festival “Memories of the Great Wall”
Sponsorship Form
We thank you for your generosity on behalf of all the community, volunteers and performers.
The amount of your Sponsorship is $_________________ to “Age of Literati” Cultural Festival
The Person from COFN who contacts you: Yanyan Zhu (416) 399-7129.
(We will deliver our receipt of your sponsorship to)
Your Name or Company Name _________________________________________________
Tel._____________________ Fax ___________________
Signature ________________________Date __________
Please deliver by mail or hand your completed form with cash/cheque before August 21st, 2017 to:
Unit 21, 400 Esna Park Dr. Markham, L3R 3K2, ON, Canada, Tel: 416 399 7129 (Ms. YanYan Zhu).
Website: canadaonefamilynetwork.ca. E-mail: canadaonefamilynetwork@gmail.com
Details and information for the source of funds and sponsor benefits.
Canada One Family Network is a not for profit organization primarily for the promotion and education to Canadians of the Chinese traditions and culture from the ancient times.
Our project, the Age of Literati is an annual festival we have created. For 2017 the theme is “Memories of the Great Wall”. This project is partly sponsored by different levels of government, including Markham City’s Celebrate Markham project, the Federal Cultural Heritage Department of Arts and Culture Heritage Project, COFN and dozens of cultural performance groups and individuals have sponsored rehearsal venues, instructor fees and administrative fees.
Numerous groups of cultural organizations and businesses have often joined their resources with us for our events, festivals and public performances. Other sponsorships for miscellaneous costs have been successfully raised by the festival through social and promotional activities. It has become one of the top brands of Canadian Chinese traditional culture in the Greater Toronto Region and a high-end platform for businesses to successfully promote their commercial brands.
This series of cultural events is in line with the Chinese Central Government’s declaration during the 2017 Spring Festival to all local and international Chinese owned corporations to support cultural initiatives.
4, Our cooperative promoters have offered a detailed plan to promote SPONSORS.
We respect and thank you for your sponsorship and to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Canadian National Day with your organization. Let all Canadians celebrate and share this joy. These activities are expected to have more than 500,000 people feel the enthusiasm of Canadian Chinese to celebrate the Canadian National Day and cultural heritage. This is the opportunity for sponsors to promote brands to our Canadian mainstream community and Chinese community. We tailor the marketing plan for the sponsor, including:
1) mainstream media depth reports (depth and breadth data)
OMNI2 Multicultural Program TV Channel (Cantonese)
CBC national radio, television news special report (English interview)
Globe Mail / Toronto Star News Feature (Community Culture Version)
Star Island / Ming Pao news special report (community culture version of soft paper)
Now Magazine special report (community culture version of soft paper)
2) video global release and community influence
(Youtube, Facebook, Youku, Baidu, etc.)
Video recording and direct broadcast satellite TV channels (Phoenix Satellite TV, Hunan Satellite TV, etc.)
Press conference and public media TV website promotion
3) Face to face the impact of high-end customer community
VIP VIP contact (business club member)
Extensive contacts and in-depth exchanges between government, business and community (invited by participants such as exhibitions)
Activity site booth booth, banner
4) the depth and breadth of the spread of information to the household
Community and city newspapers and magazines news and activities notice
Additional information for sponsor leaflets
5) activities to promote promotional materials
Exquisite program single advertising layout promotion
Posters on the printed advertising (ticket) to promote
Performance on-site rear projection and other multi-directional promotion
Global publishing release DVD, including videos and reports.