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Canada One Family Network Presented the Markham Temple Fair During the Year of the Dragon Spring Festival at New Kennedy Square

City of Markham – To celebrate Dragon New Year Spring Festival , Canada One Family Network will host the Markham  Temple Fair  (2024.02.10-18)  at New Kennedy Square Indoor Plaza (8360 Kennedy Rd @HW7). During the celebration events for two weekends (the first, second, eighth and ninth day of the lunar new year), more than 60 art institutions will participate in the stage performances and art & crafts displays, with exciting programs and colorful intangible cultural heritage arts workshops. More than 100 merchant stalls display their magical power to celebrate the Dragon New Year with joy and peace!


Go to the Markham Temple Fair, you will see dragon and lion dances, receive the blessings from the God of Future &Wealth, with Red Package and Fei-Chun of the Spring Festival. Groups of Fuwa kids, youths and local artists will bring entertainments attracting more foreign tourists to visit the City of Markham for Markham Temple Fair, to buy New Year's goods and delicacies, participate in on-site draws, and receive Spring Festival gift packages. Markham City Councilors Amanda Yeung  and Isa Lee will attend events and bring New Year blessings to community residents.


Thanks to Destination Markham for funding the events, New Kennedy Square for the venue sponsorship,  a hundred of community organizations for participating in performances and sponsorships, and the media title sponsor YorkBBS for their strong support.


A few vendor and sponsor seats are available.

For the inquiries

please contact 4163997129

「年」味十足的甲辰龍年萬錦廟會, 過年滿滿的儀式感,您準備好了嗎? 2024年1月31日万锦市政府通过每年二月定为中华文化月( 第一届中华文化月萬錦廟會(2024.02.10-18)將於新旺角室內廣場 (New Kennedy Square 8360 Kennedy Rd @HW7) 隆重舉行。

年宵花、紅燈籠, 紅春聯、大福字。

龍柳、寸寸金, 年桔、富貴柿。

圍爐、煮茶、剪窗花, 年糕、零食、壓歲錢。

紅包里裝上,給家人的祝福, 團扇上畫滿,予友人的富貴。 財神送壓歲紅包, 玄霖解龍年運程。 不曾回鄉,逛廟會也有熱鬧年味, 邀友攜家,訪旺角更加驚喜甜蜜。

加拿大一同家園文化中心攜手新旺角主辦為期兩個週末(年初一、二、八、九)龍年廟會慶祝活動。六十餘家藝術機構參與演出、藝術展示,節目精彩紛呈、非遺藝術繽紛。百餘商戶攤位盡顯喜慶祥和過新年的神通! 萬錦廟會期間舞龍舞獅、財神祝賀、揮春送福、福娃鬧春、民間遊藝吸引更多外地遊客來逛廟會,採辦年貨美食、 參與現場抽獎, 抽取高達$2000的新年鴻運大禮。 萬錦市議員楊綺清、李詩韻將出席龍年慶祝活動、為社區居民帶來新春祝福。

感謝Destination Markham 資金贊助、New Kennedy Square 場地贊助、參與演出和商業贊助的百餘家社區機構以及媒體冠名贊助約克論壇和媒體贊助加拿大時訊、華人頭條、北美之聲等媒體大力支持。


歡迎咨詢 4163997129




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