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  • 归去来兮辞 晋 陶渊明

  • 良宵引 隋 贺若弼

  • 秋风辞 唐 李白

  • 关山月 唐 李白

  • 秋江夜泊 唐 张继

  • 醉渔唱晚 唐 陆龟蒙、皮日休

  • 平沙落雁 宋 毛敏仲

  • 龙翔操 明 朱权

  • 梧叶舞秋风 清 庄臻凤

  • 万壑松风 古 隐贤者

活动日期:2024年9月14日 - 2024年10月12日开幕式时间:2024年9月21日,周六下午3:00至5:00品酒预订及座位安排:437-340-5469地址:971 High Point Rd, Port Perry, Ocala Winery & Orchard

交通提示:游园会期间每周六可组团并安排校车(47座)从Woodside Square活力商场、Pacific Mall太古广场、Fairview Mall等指定地点接送(需提前预约)。


Ocala orchard was original founded in 1912 by the Smith Family. George Smith was a cattler who bought the land to raise his prized Holstein-Friesians for meat and dairy. In the late 1970's, his son Lloyd Smith started expanding the small apple orchard behind the barn in order to shift the family business toward fruit production. Through the addition of many fruit varieties, Lloyd's son, Irwin started planting grape vines in '91, which paved the way for Ocala Orchard and Winery.

Ocala Winery opened to the public as a licensed Ontario winery in the summer of 1995. Due to a shorter growing season and colder winters at our location, the vineyard is made up of mostly white grape varieties and a few hardy varieties of red. We frequently experiment with new varieties of cool climate/winter hardy vines being developed in Quebec and the Northern United States.

Ocala orchard produces about twenty varieties of apples from mid of July to November including Honey Crisp, Gala, Jonagold, McIntosh, Empire, Spy, Russet, Fuji, Ambrosia, Ruby MAC, an 100+ years old Duchess, yellow transparent and Cortland, as well as pears, plums and cherries. Rhubarb, Raspberries and Northern Hardy Kiwi are also grown on site.

A banquet space is provided on the upper level of the winery retail store including catering service for small scale weddings (<50 person), small to medium size business conferences or private activities such as bridal/baby showers, birthday parties, family re-unions and Ocala seasonal events such as our traditional Dine-In-Vine with live music performance. Outdoor facilities are available for barbecue events and outdoor gatherings to self-serve groups as well as seasonal Pick-Your-Own and scenic orchard tours.

We produce fruit wines/juices from our own hand-picked farm grown high quality fruits: Fruit wines: HoneyCrisp, Gala, Northern Spy, Ambrosia, Macintosh, Empire, Heritage Apple Wines; Rhubarb, Blueberry, Raspberry, Peach, Pear, Plum, Iced Apple, Iced Pear, Cherry; Hard Cider Grape Wines: Our special cold climate zone grape wines such as Marquette, Foch, Sabrevoir, La Crescent, Muscat, Riesling, Heritage Blanc wines Non-alcoholic Juice: Apple Cider, Honey We provide our special Ocala Tour & Tasting to our visitors and during all hosted events at our tasting bar and upstairs recreation/meeting area.



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